<aside> 💡 In case of fire, git commit , git push , leave CRC


For the learning, For the community, but mostly, For the 🍕

Yeah no kidding, there will be pizza for teams who pull through the night.

As a developer, the most important thing is the consistency in staying put for long periods of time. And that’s why the 24 hour hackathon is a challenge to all who wish to learn & develop something cool.

That’s what our nerdvana looks like


Standard rules

  1. Folks can form teams within or across hostel
  2. Maximum team size is 3
  3. Timings are from 11AM September 3rd to 12PM September 4th.
  4. Problem statements will be announced at 11AM, along with the other judging & submission criteria
  5. Venue is CRC
  6. The application you build strictly has to be using “code”. Any framework or language of choice is allowed
  7. No no-code solutions can be submitted since this is strictly a coding hackathon & the evaluation criteria for submissions will be based on that. However, if you are interested in building one, you are most welcome to be a part of the event through & through & build whatever you like
  8. Can I show up at 2am just for the pizza and leave ? - No you can’t :) We’ll know the hard workers who’ll be pulling through, so its more of a reward for them

Will I be bored & exhausted?

We know this adrenaline fuelled rush can be tiring. So there will be tonnes of food & activities flowing in at any given point of time. There would be food fuelled icebreaker rounds 💪

Time Food Activity
4pm, 3rd Sept Snacks & chips Webinar on Product Management with Razorpay
8pm, 3rd Sept Veg Puff + Fruit Cake 🥐 Typical “never have I ever” game. Where programmers bounce of code smells, stories and more
10pm, 3rd Sept Energy drink Talent time - sing a song, tell a story, guitar, jokes
11:30pm, 3rd Sept Coffee, snacks, biscuits 🍵 A slido quiz at programming, participants could share their experiences in the earlier hackathons they went to or could have a proper discussion or argument about topics related to programming.
2:30am, 4th September Pizza 🍕 Programmer memes and short videos
8am, 4th September Tea + Samosa 🥐 Programmer motivation. Help from organizing committee.
11:00am, 4th September Chocolate sugar rush 🍫 Deployment help

For additional doubts :

if (doubts.length > 0){
		case "Jayanth": 
      return ["Call Jayanth", 6380021838]
		case "Anirudh": 
      return ["Call Anirudh", 8277609858]
		case "Ved": 
      return ["Call Ved", 8460529964]
			console.log("stack overflow it :)")

Problem Statements